When you’re looking to safeguard your cash reserves, you need a system that provides security and ease of use. This is where a sweep network offers the perfect combination of protection and operational efficiency for businesses. You get the security of a traditional banking system while enjoying the benefits of an easy-to-use interface without any hidden charges. Let’s look at what a sweep network is and how it completely transforms business banking.
What is a Sweep Network?
A sweep network distributes your deposits across a network of banks without you having to manage multiple bank accounts. It offers streamlined funds management without the headache of opening and managing numerous bank accounts. This innovation in banking provides a unique solution for balancing security with cash availability.
How Do Sweep Networks Work?
When you opt-in to use a sweep network, your banking partner can spread your capital deposits across a range of FDIC-insured banks within the sweep network. For example, as a client of Bank X, you have opted into their sweep program; bank X will deposit a significant portion of your deposits across other banks in its sweep network.
3 Major Benefits of Sweep Networks
Increased FDIC Insurance
FDIC insurance typically covers up to $250,000 per account. When you opt into a sweep network, your capital is deposited into multiple bank accounts across different banks. Each of these accounts is insured up to $250,000. This significantly raises your total insured amount.
Operational Efficiency
When you opt into a sweep network, you do not have to manage multiple bank accounts for increased security and insurance. A sweep network automatically handles the distribution of funds across these banks.
Risk Mitigation
Sweep networks allow you to leverage the security measures of various banks and have peace of mind knowing your funds are not at the mercy of one bank’s system. Diversifying banks by opting into a sweep network ensures that one bank’s failure won’t affect the entirety of your funds.
Successful Example: The Case of Mercury
Mercury is a leading fintech that utilizes sweep networks efficiently. They partner with banks such as Evolve Bank & Trust and Choice Financial Group; Mercury enables its customers to leverage up to $5 million in FDIC insurance. HomeFundr LP has partnered with Mercury to offer this coverage to our investors and to safeguard their capital while we grow it.
How to Opt-in to a Sweep Network?
Customers typically sign a disclosure agreement with their bank to participate in a sweep network. You can usually see the banks where your funds are held and insured on your monthly statements.
Seamless Banking Experience
Opting into a sweeping network keeps how you conduct your banking on a day-to-day basis or manage your funds. Your primary bank remains your main point of contact, and the network does not affect transaction speeds or access to your funds. You enjoy the increased FDIC insurance and security of the sweep network.
Opting Into A Sweep Network is a Smart Banking Choice
If you are a business or an investor looking to take a step forward in banking and secure your funds by distributing them across various banks without having to manage relationships with those bank accounts, a Sweep Network is your best choice. You will get access to increased FDIC insurance coverage along with ease in banking efficiently.